Articles and Research

By Areej Iftaiha, Psy.D. and Heather Abbott, Psy.D.

The first day of school may be challenging for both children and parents. Here are some helpful tips to adjust to the new experience: Tips for Preparing Children for Preschool Help your child get excited about school!

By Angeline Lillard & Nicole Else-Quest

An analysis of students’ academic and social scores compares a Montessori school with other elementary school education programs….

By Steven Hughes

Montessori education is a brain-based, developmental method that allows children to make creative choices in discovering people, places, and knowledge of the world….

By Mindy L. Kornhaber, Ed.D.

The theory of multiple intelligences (MI) was developed by Dr. Howard Gardner in 1983 at the Harvard Graduate School of Education….

By Nancy Fenton

These psychological principles will help your students learn more effectively…

By Julia Volkman

So, you’re considering a Montessori school. Maybe you’ve read about the growing evidence that supports the long-term benefits of Montessori education….